
Frequently Asked Questions

We often get asked, here are the answers of the most common questions we get

What if I am vegetarian?
What do I need to bring with me on the trip?
When is the best time of the year to visit?
Is it possible to bring my own bicycle?
Are the guides multilingual?
What if an accident happens?
What happens if I do not want to cycle a certain day?
What if I need a single room?
Is the water drinkable during the trip?
Do I need a visa to come to Albania?
How do I make the reservation for the trip?
How do I get there?
Do I need to cycle with the group the whole time?
What if something unexpected happens and I cannot make it to Tirana for the trip?
Where will my luggage be stashed?
At what time do we arrive for lunch/destination?
What if I get hungry during the cycling trip?
Where can I exchange money?
What are the road conditions during the tour?
What is the maximum amount of people on the tour and what quality should we expect from the hotels?

Still not clear?

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Monday to Friday
9.00 am to 5.00 pm